This function provides a simple movement model that calculates the probability of movement between two locations according to the distance between them, using an logistic equation with pre-defined parameters.

pf_setup_movement_pr(distance, ...)



A numeric vector of distances (m).


Additional arguments (none implemented).


The function returns a numeric vector of probabilities that represent the probability of movement between two or more areas given the distances between them.


Under this model, for distance(s) \( \leq 500 \) m, \(Pr(distance) = logistic(10 + distance -0.05)\); otherwise, \(Pr(distance) = 0\). This particular model is designed for flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius) and represents a reasonable model for the probability of moving a given distance in a two-minute period (in the absence of additional information).

See also

This function is used as the default movement model in pf.


Edward Lavender


pr <- pf_setup_movement_pr(1:1000)
plot(pr, type = "l", xlab = "Distance (m)", ylab = "Pr(distance)")