These functions are designed to provide `ballpark' estimates of individual swimming speeds from (a) acoustic detections at passive acoustic telemetry receivers (get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics) and archival (depth) time series (get_mvt_mobility_from_archival).

  fct = NULL,
  calc_distance = c("euclid", "lcp"),
  bathy = NULL,
  step = NULL

get_mvt_mobility_from_archival(data, fct = NULL, step_check = TRUE)



A dataframe of animal movement time series used to estimate swimming speeds. For get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics, data should contain passive acoustic telemetry detection time series (see dat_acoustics for an example). This must contain a vector of receiver IDs, named `receiver_id', and a POSIXct vector of time stamps when detections were made, named `timestamp'. For get_mvt_mobility_from_archival, data is a dataframe that contains depth time series (see dat_archival for an example). This must contain a numeric vector of observed depths (m), named `depth', and a POSIXct (or Date) vector of regular time stamps when observations were made, named `timestamp'. In either case, an additional column can be included to distinguish time series for different individuals (see fct).


(optional) A character variable that defines the name of a column in data that distinguishes levels of a grouping variable (e.g., individuals).


In get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics, moorings is SpatialPointsDataFrame that defines receiver locations (in the Universe Transverse Mercator coordinate reference system) and receiver IDs (in a column named `receiver_id').


In get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics, detection_range is a number that defines the detection range (m) of receivers.


In get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics, calc_distance is a character that defines the method used to calculate distances between receivers. Currently supported options are Euclidean distances ("euclid") or least-cost (shortest) path distances ("lcp") over a surface (see bathy).


In get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics, if calc_distance = "lcp", bathy is raster that defines the surface over which individual(s) moved. bathy must be planar (i.e., Universal Transverse Mercator projection) with units of metres in x, y and z directions (m). The surface's resolution is taken to define the distance between horizontally and vertically connected cells and must be the same in both x and y directions. Any cells with NA values (e.g., due to missing data) are treated as `impossible' to move though by the algorithm (see lcp_over_surface).


(optional) In get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics, transmission_interval is the (maximum) time delay between sequential acoustic transmissions.


(optional) In get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics, step is a number that defines the time (s) interval over which to represent speeds. By default, speeds are calculated in m/s. If step is supplied, speeds are also calculated in m/step s, which can be easier to interpret. For get_mvt_mobility_from_archival, `step' is set automatically as the duration (s) between sequential depth observations, which is assumed to remain constant through time.


For get_mvt_mobility_from_archival, step_check is a logical variable that defines whether or not to check that the steps in data are regular (see step).


Both functions print a statistical summary of the speed estimates to the console and return a dataframe with observations and the corresponding speed estimates invisibly.

For get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics, for each speed estimate, the minimum, mean and maximum speeds are printed, in units of m/s and, if specified, m/step. The returned dataframe defines all transitions between receivers and includes the following columns:

  • fct is the grouping factor (if specified);

  • receiver_id_1 and receiver_id_2 are the receiver IDs for each transition between receivers;

  • timestamp_1 and timestamp_2 are the time stamps of detections for each transition between receivers;

  • time is the duration (s) between timestamp_1 and timestamp_2;

  • dist_min, dist_avg and dist_max are the estimates for the distance (m) travelled to transition between receivers;

  • speed_min_ms, speed_avg_ms and speed_min_ms are the corresponding speed (m/s) estimates;

  • speed_min_mstep, speed_avg_mstep and speed_max_mstep are the corresponding speed estimates, in m per step (if specified);

For get_mvt_mobility_from_archival, the function prints a statistical summary of estimated speeds in m/s and m per `step', where `step' is the duration (s) between sequential depth observations. The function also invisibly returns dataframe of the estimates. This is as inputted, without any fct levels with fewer than two observations and with the following additional columns:

  • dist is the distance (m) between sequential depth observations;

  • speed_ms is the speed (m/s) of vertical movement between sequential depth observations;

  • speed_mstep is the speed of vertical movement between sequential depth observations in units of m per step, where `step' is the duration (s) between sequential depth observations (this is identical to dist and only added for consistency with get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics);


Acoustic estimates

Speed estimates from passive acoustic telemetry time series are derived from examination of detection patterns via get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics. For each fct group (e.g., individual), the function identifies sequential detections, which exceeded the maximum transmission interval, at receivers with non-overlapping detection containers (areas within the detection range of each receiver). Assuming that all detections are true, these can only result from movement between receivers. For these movements, transition distances are calculated as Euclidean distances, via pointDistance, or shortest swimming distances, assuming movement over a surface, via lcp_over_surface. Given that detections can arise from movement anywhere within the detection range of a receiver, three distances are calculated: an average distance, from receiver to receiver; a lower-bound distance, between the closest edges of receiver detection containers (i.e., the average distance minus two times the detection range); and an upper-bound distance from the furthest edges of receiver detection ranges (i.e., the average distance plus two times the detection range). These estimates assume a uniform detection ranges over space. For each transition, distances are converted into an average, lower and upper speed (m/s) estimate (termed `speed_avg_ms`, `speed_min_ms` and `speed_max_ms` respectively). If step is supplied, speeds are also expressed per step. On many occasions, individuals will take indirect routes between receivers, resulting in inappropriately low speed estimates. However, if receivers are sufficiently close together such that individuals sometimes effectively transition directly between receivers, the faster speed estimates derived via this method may be quite informative about actual swimming speeds.

Archival estimates

Speed estimates from archival time series are derived from examination of changes in depth through time (vertical activity) via get_mvt_mobility_from_archival. For each individual, speed is calculated from the vertical distances (m) between sequential, regular depth (m) observations over time (s). Speeds are also expressed per step, where `step' is the duration (s) between sequential observations. The assumption of regular steps may be relaxed in the future.


Edward Lavender


#### Estimate mobility from acoustic data using Euclidean distances
## (A) Define receiver coordinates as SPDF in UTM CRS
proj <- sp::CRS(SRS_string = "EPSG:4326")
proj_utm <- sp::CRS(SRS_string = "EPSG:32629")
moorings <- sp::SpatialPoints(dat_moorings[, c("receiver_long", "receiver_lat")], proj)
moorings <- sp::spTransform(moorings, proj_utm)
moorings <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(moorings, data.frame(receiver_id = dat_moorings$receiver_id))
## (B) Implement algorithm using Euclidean distances
mob_1 <- get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics(
  data = dat_acoustics,
  fct = "individual_id",
  moorings = moorings,
  detection_range = 750,
  transmission_interval = 120,
  step = 120
#> Mobility estimates from n = 315 observation(s).
#> --------------------------------------
#> Estimates (m/s)-----------------------
#>       variable min mean  max
#> 1 speed_min_ms   0 0.07 0.84
#> 2 speed_avg_ms   0 0.14 1.06
#> 3 speed_max_ms   0 0.21 1.50
#> --------------------------------------
#> Estimates (m/step)--------------------
#>          variable  min  mean    max
#> 1 speed_min_mstep 0.01  8.55 101.26
#> 2 speed_avg_mstep 0.07 17.15 127.58
#> 3 speed_max_mstep 0.11 25.76 180.39
#> --------------------------------------

#### Estimate mobility from acoustic data using LCP distances
## (A) Define receiver coordinates
# ... (as above)
## (B) Define bathymetry surface for LCP calculations
# Requirements: mask land; planar UTM projection; equal resolution;
bathy <- raster::raster(ext = raster::extent(dat_gebco), resolution = 50)
bathy <- raster::resample(dat_gebco, bathy, method = "bilinear")
## (C) Implement algorithm using LCP distances
mob_2 <- get_mvt_mobility_from_acoustics(
  data = dat_acoustics,
  fct = "individual_id",
  moorings = moorings,
  detection_range = 750,
  calc_distance = "lcp",
  bathy = bathy,
  transmission_interval = 120,
  step = 120
#> Warning: transition function gives negative values
#> Mobility estimates from n = 317 observation(s).

#> --------------------------------------
#> Estimates (m/s)-----------------------
#>       variable min mean  max
#> 1 speed_min_ms   0 0.08 0.85
#> 2 speed_avg_ms   0 0.15 1.07
#> 3 speed_max_ms   0 0.22 1.55
#> --------------------------------------
#> Estimates (m/step)--------------------
#>          variable  min  mean    max
#> 1 speed_min_mstep 0.02  9.30 101.86
#> 2 speed_avg_mstep 0.07 17.86 128.18
#> 3 speed_max_mstep 0.12 26.42 186.15
#> --------------------------------------

#### Estimate mobility from archival data
# Note the use of 'individual_id' for 'fct' here is only appropriate
# ... when there are no breaks in the time series.
mob_3 <- get_mvt_mobility_from_archival(dat_archival, fct = "individual_id")
#> [1] 120
#> Mobility estimates from n = 74997 observation(s).
#> --------------------------------------
#> Estimates (m/s)-----------------------
#>   variable min mean  max
#> 1    speed   0 0.01 0.36
#> Estimates (m/step)--------------------
#>   variable min mean   max
#> 1    speed   0 1.09 42.92
#> --------------------------------------