These are sample datasets collated by the Movement Ecology of Flapper Skate (MEFS) project (Lavender, 2022). The flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius) is a Critically Endangered benthic elasmobranch. As part of the MEFS project, flapper skate were tagged with acoustic transmitters and archival (data storage) tags off the west coast of Scotland in 2016--17. Acoustic transmissions were recorded at an array of passive acoustic telemetry receivers. Concurrent depth time series were recorded by archival tags and recovered from recaptured individuals. For full details, see the references below. The datasets are defined within patter to illustrate package functions using real-world datasets.






An object of class data.table (inherits from data.frame) with 40 rows and 8 columns.

An object of class data.table (inherits from data.frame) with 39242 rows and 3 columns.

An object of class data.table (inherits from data.frame) with 75000 rows and 3 columns.


Biologging and biotelemetry data were collected by, and belong to, Marine Scotland Science and NatureScot. Data were processed by Lavender (2022). If you wish to use these data, please contact Marine Scotland Science and NatureScot for further information.

Bathymetry data were sourced from GEBCO Compilation Group (2019) GEBCO 2019 Grid.


dat_moorings defines passive acoustic telemetry receiver locations and associated information. This includes the following columns:

  • receiver_id---an integer vector that defines unique receiver deployments;

  • receiver_start, receiver_end---Date vectors that define receiver deployment start and end dates;

  • receiver_x, receiver_y---numeric vectors that define receiver coordinates (in UTM 29N);

  • receiver_alpha, receiver_beta, receiver_gamma---a numeric vectors that define detection probability parameters;

Data are arranged by receiver_id.


dat_acoustics contains sample detection time series. This includes the following columns:

  • individual_id---an integer vector that identifies individuals;

  • timestamp---a POSIXct vector that defines the time of each observation;

  • receiver_id---the receiver ID (see dat_moorings);

Data are arranged by individual_id, timestamp and then receiver_id.


dat_archival contains sample depth time series. Observations were sampled every 2 minutes. The data includes the following columns:

  • individual_id---an integer vector that identifies individuals (as in dat_acoustics);

  • timestamp---a POSIXct vector that defines the time of each observation;

  • depth---a numeric vector that defines the depth (m) of the individual at each time step;

Data are arranged by individual_id and then timestamp.


dat_gebco() returns a bathymetry (m) dataset for the west coast of Scotland where MEFS data were collected. This dataset is a SpatRaster with the following properties:

  • dimensions---264, 190, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr);

  • resolution---100, 100 (x, y);

  • extent---695492.1, 714492.1, 6246657, 6273057 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);

  • coord. ref.---WGS 84 / UTM zone 29N (EPSG:32629);


Data collection and processing are described in Lavender (2022). Modelling the movements of flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius) in relation to a Scottish Marine Protected Area. University of St Andrews.

For further information on the MEFS project, see: