This vignette lists the steps required to use patter to reconstruct movements and patterns of space use. Use it as a reference. See package documentation, such as the README, for streamlined example workflow(s). See the patter-flapper project for a complete, real-world analysis.

Set up

  1. Load the patter package via library(patter).

  2. Connect to Julia via julia_connect().

  3. Set the seed in R and Julia via set_seed().


Prepare study area

  1. Define a terra::SpatRaster map of the study area:

    • In our applications, the map is a bathymetry SpatRaster (see ?dat_gebco and ?glossary);
    • Mask inhospitable habitats (e.g., land) using NAs;
    • Export the map to Julia via set_map();

Prepare movement model

  1. Define the State type:

    • State defines the components of the animal’s movement that you want to track;
    • For example, if you want to track x and y locations, use StateXY;
  2. Define a corresponding movement model (ModelMove) instance:

    • The movement model defines the animal’s movement capacity;
    • See ?ModelMove for built-in options and instructions for custom sub-types;

Prepare observations

  1. Define observational datasets:

    • patter should be able to work with any kind of observational dataset;
    • See datasets-mefs for example datasets included in the package;
  2. Validate datasets:

    • Datasets used in patter require manual preparation for analysis;
    • Example considerations for passive acoustic telemetry data include:
      • False detections (e.g. ?glatos::false_detections());
      • Detection timing;
      • Receiver locations;
    • For passive acoustic telemetry and/or archival data, patter provides a pat_setup_data() function which validates data format of these data types for use in patter;
  3. Define observation models (ModelObs) sub-types:

    • Observation models link individual movements to the observations;
    • See ?ModelObs for built-in observation models and instructions for custom sub-types;
  4. Collate observations and observation model parameters:

    • Define a timeline of interest;
    • Extract the observations for a particular individual;
    • Observations should be arranged as data.tables in long-format;
    • For passive acoustic telemetry and archival datasets, use pat_setup_data() and assemble_*() functions to assemble datasets as required;
    • Otherwise, see the assemble_*() function documentation for straightforward dataset assembly instructions;
  5. To simulate datasets instead, see sim_*() functions;

Particle algorithms

Forward filter

  1. Implement the particle filter via pf_filter():
    • This returns a list, which includes a states data.table that defines the possible states (locations) of the individual at each time step (according to the movement model and the observations);

Two-filter smoother

  1. Implement the particle filter forwards and backwards;

  2. Implement the two-filter smoother via pf_smoother_two_filter():

    • This refines outputs from the filter;


  1. Plot particle positions via pf_plot_*();

  2. Map utilisation distributions:

  3. Map home ranges via map_hr_*();