ModelMove is Abstract Type in Patter.jl that groups movement model sub-types, of which instances can be created via an R move_*() function.

  dbn_length = "truncated(Gamma(1, 250.0), upper = 750.0)",
  dbn_angle = "Uniform(-pi, pi)"

  dbn_length = "truncated(Gamma(1.0, 750.0), upper = 750.0)",
  dbn_angle_delta = "Normal(0, 0.5)",
  dbn_z_delta = "Normal(0, 3.5)"


dbn_length, dbn_angle, dbn_angle_delta, dbn_z_delta

Character strings that define movement model components:

  • dbn_length---the distribution of step lengths;

  • dbn_angle---the distribution of turning angles;

  • dbn_angle_delta---the distribution of changes in turning angles;

  • dbn_z_delta---the distribution of changes in depth;


move_*() functions return a character string that defines a ModelMove instance for evaluation in Julia. If the map (env) does not exist in Julia, an error is thrown.


Movement model sub-types are Julia structures that hold the components of movement models. From an R-user perspective, you can think of a ModelMove sub-type as an S4-class-like object, with slots for the components of a movement model. With a movement model instance, we can simulate movements and evaluate the density of movements from one state (location) to another.

The following movement models are built in to Patter.jl:

  • ModelMoveXY

  • ModelMoveXYZD

See Patter.jl or JuliaCall::julia_help("ModelMove") for the fields of the built-in sub-types. Briefly, all sub-types include:

  • A map field, that defines the region(s) within which movements are permitted. In R, it is convenient to represent map as a SpatRaster, where NAs define inhospitable habitats (e.g., land). This should made available to Julia ModelMove constructors as env via set_map();

  • Additional model-specific components (such as fields for the distribution of step lengths and turning angles in the case of two-dimensional random walks);

In patter, movement models are required:

In R functions, the movement-model instance is specified via the .model_move argument. This argument expects a character string defining a ModelMove instance that can be evaluated in Julia (that is, a ModelMove constructor). move_*() functions are convenience functions for the specification of these constructors for the built-in sub-types. All ModelMove instances contain a map field that defines the region(s) within which movements are permitted. To use a move_*() function, the map should be available in Julia as env (see set_map()). The additional components of the movement model are specified via move_*() function arguments as character strings of Julia code. Currently implemented move_*() functions are:

  • move_xy(), which specifies a movement model of sub-type ModelMoveXY in terms of the distributions of step lengths and turning angles;

  • move_xyzd(), which specifies a movement model of sub-type ModelMoveXYZD in terms of the distributions of step lengths, changes in turning angles and changes in depth;

See here for the translations of distributions in R (e.g., *norm()) into Julia (e.g., Normal()).

In Julia, ModelMove instances are used to simulate states via Patter.simulate_step(). In the particle smoother, the density of movement from one state to another is evaluated by Patter.logpdf_step(). These are generic functions. Different methods are dispatched according to the input model. For the built-in ModelMove sub-types, corresponding methods for these routines are also built-in. For custom ModelMove sub-types, the methods need to be provided.

To use custom ModelMove sub-types, see Examples.

See also

The routines in patter for the simulation of individual movements, observations and statistical modelling are built upon three Abstract Types defined in Julia:

  • See State for individual-state (location) structures;

  • See ModelMove for movement model structures;

  • See ModelObs for observation model structures;


Edward Lavender


if (julia_run()) {


  #### Connect to Julia

  #### Define the `map`
  # `map` is the region within which movements are permitted
  # In `R`, we represent this as a `SpatRaster`
  # Here, we have a bathymetry `SpatRaster` for the west coast of Scotland:
  # * NaNs define regions into which movement is not permitted
  # * (i.e., on land, in the case of aquatic animals)
  map <- dat_gebco()
  # Using `set_map()` makes the map available as a object called 'env' in `Julia`
  # > This is required as a component of all movement models

  #### Example (1): Use `move_xy()` with default options
  # `move_*()` functions simply return a character string of Julia code
  # (Downstream functions can evaluate this code, as shown below)

  #### Example (2): Customise `move_xy()`
  # Use a truncated normal distribution for step lengths:
  hist(rtrunc(1e5L, "norm", a = 0, b = 750, mean = 250, sd = 50))
  move_xy(dbn_length = "truncated(Normal(250, 50), lower = 0.0, upper = 750.0)")
  # Use an exponential distribution for step lengths
  hist(rtrunc(1e5L, "exp", b = 750, rate = 0.001))
  move_xy(dbn_length = "truncated(Exponential(0.01), upper = 750.0)")
  # Use a biased random walk
  move_xy(dbn_angle = "VonMises(0, 1)")
  # Get help on a distribution in Julia:

  #### Example (3): Customise `move_xyzd()`
  # Use default options
  # Customise model components
  move_xyzd(dbn_length = "truncated(Normal(250, 50), lower = 0.0, upper = 750.0)",
            dbn_angle_delta = "Normal(0, 0.25)",
            dbn_z_delta = "Normal(0, 2.5)")

  #### Example (4): Visualise different movement models
  # Define a timeline for the simulation
  timeline <- seq(as.POSIXct("2016-01-01", tz = "UTC"),
                  length.out = 1000L, by = "2 mins")
  # Define an initial location
  x <- 708212.6
  y <- 6251684
  origin <- data.table(map_value = terra::extract(map, cbind(x, y))[1, 1],
                       x = x, y = y)
  # Collect essential arguments for `sim_path_walk()`
  args <- list(.map = map,
               .xinit = origin,
               .timeline = timeline,
               .state = "StateXY",
               .n_path = 2L, .one_page = FALSE)
  # Compare different movement models via `sim_path_walk()`
  pp <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
  args$.model_move <- move_xy(), args)
  args$.model_move <- move_xy(dbn_angle = "VonMises(0.1, 0.1)"), args)

  #### Example (5): Use movement models in the particle filter
  # See `?pf_filter()`

  #### Example (6): Use custom movement model types
  # Patter contains multiple built-in `State` and `ModelMove` sub-types that you can use
  # ... (with custom parameters) simulate movements and for particle filtering.
  # See the help file for `?State` to use a new sub-type.

#> Loading required package: stats4
#> Loading required package: evd
#> `patter::julia_connect()` called @ 2024-08-01 11:39:43... 
#> ... Running `Julia` setup via `JuliaCall::julia_setup()`... 
#> Julia version 1.10.4 at location /Users/lavended/.julia/juliaup/ will be used.
#> Loading setup script for JuliaCall...
#> Finish loading setup script for JuliaCall.
#> ... Validating Julia installation... 
#> ... Setting up Julia project... 
#> ... Handling dependencies... 
#> ... `Julia` set up with 8 thread(s). 
#> `patter::julia_connect()` call ended @ 2024-08-01 11:40:01 (duration: ~18 sec(s)). 

#> ```
#> Exponential(θ)
#> ```
#> The *Exponential distribution* with scale parameter `θ` has probability density function
#> $$
#> f(x; \theta) = \frac{1}{\theta} e^{-\frac{x}{\theta}}, \quad x > 0
#> $$
#> ```julia
#> Exponential()      # Exponential distribution with unit scale, i.e. Exponential(1)
#> Exponential(θ)     # Exponential distribution with scale θ
#> params(d)          # Get the parameters, i.e. (θ,)
#> scale(d)           # Get the scale parameter, i.e. θ
#> rate(d)            # Get the rate parameter, i.e. 1 / θ
#> ```
#> External links
#>   * [Exponential distribution on Wikipedia](