This is a glossary of key arguments in patter.


.map is SpatRaster that defines the area of interest. NAs define inhospitable regions (such as land). A planar (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection with coordinates in metres is currently required.


.model_obs is a character that defines a ModelObs sub-type.


.model_move is a character string that defines a ModelMove instance.


.state is a character that defines a State sub-type.


.yobs is a list of observational datasets, one for each data type. Each element must be a data.table with the following columns:

  • timestamp---a POSIXct vector of time stamps;

  • sensor_id---an integer vector of sensor IDs, such as receivers;

  • obs---a vector of observations;

  • Additional columns that define the parameters of the observation model, as defined by a ModelObs structure;

No other columns should be included.

For real-world analyses, see assemble_*() functions to format datasets as required. Other types of datasets require manual preparation.


Edward Lavender