patter functions enable progress monitoring via function arguments and global options. At the time of writing, there are three main tools to monitor and enhance function progress:

  • User output messages (via the patter.verbose option and the .verbose argument);

  • Progress bars (via pbapply::pboptions());

  • Parallelisation (via .threads and .cl_ arguments);

Only selected patter functions support these options but this may expand in the future, depending on user feedback.

User outputs

User output messages are controlled via the .verbose argument. There is a global option patter.verbose that can be set to suppress user output messages. See the internal cat_ documentation for permitted inputs to .verbose.

Progress bars

For R functions with a Julia backend, progress bars are implemented via Julia and cannot be modified by the user.

For pure R functions, progress bars are implemented via the pbapply package and controlled globally via pbapply::pboptions(). See the internal pb_ function documentation for examples.


For R functions with a Julia backend, parallelisation is implemented via the .threads argument to julia_connect(). This can only be set once per R session.

For pure R functions, parallelisation is implemented via .cl_ arguments passed to cl_lapply(), which wraps pbapply::pblapply(). See the cl_lapply() function documentation for full details.


Edward Lavender