An S3 class that defines the object returned by pf_simplify with return = "path", following pf.


A dataframe with that records the reconstructed paths. This includes a unique identifier for each path, the time step, the location (cell ID and three-dimensional coordinates) on the specified surface (e.g., bathy) and the probability associated with that cell, given movement from the previous cell, in the following columns:


An integer that uniquely defines each path.


An integer that defines each time step. If an origin is supplied to pf and add_origin = TRUE in pf_simplify, then time step 0 refers to the origin. Later time steps refer to sequential depth observations.


An integer that defines the cells ID of the surface raster (over which paths were reconstructed) retained by the algorithm.


A double that defines the cell x coordinate.


A double that defines the cell y coordinate.


A double that defines the value of the surface raster in each cell. If bathy is unsupplied to pf_simplify and unavailable in the inputted object, this is NA.


A double that defines the probability of localisation in each cell, given the `intrinsic' probabilities associated with each cell and the immediately preceding sampled locations (or the origin)'.

Rows are ordered by path and then time step.

See also

pf_path-class objects are derived from pf_archive-class objects via pf_simplify. dat_dcpf_paths provides an example.


Edward Lavender