An example pf_path-class object. This comprises a dataframe of movement paths reconstructed by an implementation of the depth-contour particle filtering (DCPF) algorithm (see dc and pf). The algorithm was implemented for a series of depth observations collected from flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius) off the west coast of Scotland, where the bathymetry is described by dat_gebco. The resultant particle histories (dat_dcpf_histories) were processed into this set of movement paths by pf_simplify. This dataset is included principally to streamline function examples.



A dataframe with seven columns and 180 observations that records the reconstructed paths. This contains the following columns:


An integer that uniquely defines each path.


An integer that defines each time step.


An integer that defines the cells ID of the surface raster (over which paths were reconstructed) retained by the algorithm.


A double that defines the cell x coordinate.


A double that defines the cell y coordinate.


A double that defines the value of the surface raster in each cell.


A double that defines the probability of movement into each cell, given immediately preceding sampled locations (or the origin).