This function is used to add blocks of shading to a plot. Blocks can be added vertically or horizontally. This can help elucidate associations between a continuous variable and a factor. For example, in plots of depth ~ time, it can be helpful to delineate diel periods (i.e., day or night) with shading.

add_shading_bar(x1, x2, horiz = FALSE, lim, col, border = FALSE, ...)



A sequence of starting values (x or y coordinates) for each block.


A sequence of ending values (x or y coordinates) for each block.


A numeric input that defines whether or not shading blocks are horizontal (i.e. x1 and x2 represent y coordinates and lim represents xlim) or vertical (i.e. x1 and x2 represent x coordinates and lim represents ylim).


A numeric input that defines the horizontal or vertical limits of each block.

col, border

The colour of each block and its border.


Other graphical parameters passed to rect.


The function adds blocks of shading to a plot.


The function is vectorised over x1, x2, col and border.


Edward Lavender


#### Define some data; we'll define a time series example # Define times t <- seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2016-01-01", tz = "UTC"), as.POSIXct("2016-01-02", tz = "UTC"), by = "30 mins") d <- data.frame(t = t) # Imagine our response is animal depth through time d$depth <- rnorm(nrow(d), 200, 25) # Define limits and visualise ylim <- range(d$depth) plot(d$t, d$depth, type = "n", ylim = ylim)
#### Define arguments for add_shading_bar() # In this example, we'll add blocks of shading distinguishing 'day' versus 'night' to aid # ... interpretation of the animal depth time series we've simulated above. To do this, # ... we could use the define_time_blocks() function but, for transparency, # ... we'll use the following approach to define the times of day/night and associated colours # ... in a dataframe that we can then pass to add_shading_bar(): # Define the times of day/night across the time series: dates_block <- seq.POSIXt(min(t), max(t), by = "days") dat_block <- data.frame(date = sort(rep(dates_block, 2)), level = c(rep(1:2, length(dates_block)))) dat_block$level <- factor(dat_block$level) coords <- matrix(c(56, -5), nrow = 1) pos_sunrise <- which(dat_block$level == 1) pos_sunset <- which(dat_block$level == 2) dat_block$time <- rep(min(t), nrow(dat_block)) dat_block$time[pos_sunrise] <- maptools::sunriset(coords, dateTime = dat_block$date[pos_sunrise], direction = "sunrise", POSIXct.out = TRUE)[,2] dat_block$time[pos_sunset] <- maptools::sunriset(coords, dateTime = dat_block$date[pos_sunset], direction = "sunset", POSIXct.out = TRUE)[,2] dat_block$col <- c("white", "dimgrey")[dat_block$level] # Rearrange dataframe: x1 <- dat_block$time[1:(nrow(dat_block)-1)] x2 <- dat_block$time[2:nrow(dat_block)] col <- dat_block$col[1:(nrow(dat_block)-1)] dat_block <- data.frame(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, col = col) dat_block$col <- as.character(dat_block$col) #### Add shading add_shading_bar(dat_block$x1, dat_block$x2, horiz = FALSE, lim = ylim, col = dat_block$col)
#> [[1]] #> NULL #> #> [[2]] #> NULL #> #> [[3]] #> NULL #>
#### Add back depth time series using add_lines() add_lines(d$t, d$depth, lwd = 2)