This function is used to add lines to a plot. If only two variables (x and y1) are provided, this function collapses to lines. However, if a third variable is provided (y2), the line can be coloured by the values of that variable. Colour is incorporated by means of a user-supplied function (f), from which n - 1 colours are drawn, or a user-supplied sequence of breaks and corresponding colours (cols) (e.g., from pretty_cols_brewer).

  y2 = NULL,
  dat = NULL,
  pretty_axis_args = list(pretty = list(n = 5)),
  n = 100,
  f = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue")),
  breaks = NULL,
  cols = NULL,
  add = TRUE,
  output = NULL,



A numeric vector of x values representing the x coordinates of the line.


A numeric vector of y values representing the y coordinates of the line.


(optional) A numeric vector of values used to colour the line.


(optional) A dataframe with columns `x', `y1' and (optionally) `y2' can be provided instead of x, y1 and y2.


A named list of arguments passed to pretty_axis, used to define a sequence of pretty values for colour bar legends (see Examples in add_colour_bar).

n, f

Colour scheme options (I). n is the number of bins in y2 to which colours are assigned. Larger numbers produce smoother colour schemes but these can be slower to run. f is function from which n - 1 colours are extracted.

breaks, cols

Colour scheme options (II). breaks is a sequence of breaks for the colour scheme and cols is a corresponding vector of colours. (Note that this means there should be one more break than colour.) If supplied, breaks and cols silently take priority over n and f.


A logical input that defines whether or not to add the line to the plot.


(depreciated) A numeric input specifying the output format: 1, list; 2, plot; 3, plot and list (see Value).


Additional arguments passed to lines, if only x and y1 are provided, or arrows if y2 is also provided.


The function adds a line to a plot if add = TRUE and invisibly returns a list with colour bar parameters. The list contains two elements. (1) data_legend is a dataframe with two columns: `x', a sequence of n values between axis limits (either defined by the user or automatically by pretty_axis); and `col', the corresponding colours. This can be passed to add_colour_bar to plot a legend. (2) axis_legend is a list of arguments, generated by pretty_axis that can be passed to add_colour_bar to add an axis to the legend.


For a line coloured by a third variable, the function works by defining a sequence of 'pretty' values across the range of y2 using pretty_axis (unless supplied via breaks). This series of values can become the labels of a colour bar legend in add_colour_bar. Colours are then assigned to each break, either from a user-supplied function (f) or a vector of supplied colours (cols). This approach ensures links between the line drawn and the colour legend added, ensuring both are always 'pretty' (see also add_colour_bar).

See also


Edward Lavender


#### Generate some example data x <- 1:1000 y1 <- runif(length(x), 0, 100) y2 <- x #### Example (1) plot(x, y1)
add_lines(x = x, y1 = y1, y2 = y2, n = 100)