This function adds a colour bar legend to a plot. The function accompanies add_lines and can be used to add a legend which corresponds to the lines drawn. This can be added to an existing plot using subplot.

  pretty_axis_args = list(),
  mtext_args = list(),
  data_raw = NULL,
  mark_args = list()



A dataframe with two columns named 'x' and 'col'. 'x' is a regular sequence of values. 'col' is the colour of each value. This is used to define the colour bar. data_legend can be extracted from add_lines.


A list of arguments passed to pretty_axis via the axis_ls argument to add an axis to the colour bar, defining the meaning of different colours.


A list of arguments passed to mtext to add a label to the legend.


(optional) A numeric vector that contains the raw data to which the the colour bar refers. If provided, data_raw is used to calculate the range of the raw data; this can be added to the legend via mark_args (see below).


(optional) A list of arguments passed to lines (excluding x and y). If provided, these arguments are used to draw lines on the colour bar delineating the range of the raw data. This can be useful in circumstances in which the range of the colour bar differs from the raw data (the user has control over this; see Examples). A single list affects both the lower and upper limit delimiters identically; a nested list with two elements controls the lower and upper limit independently.


The function return a plot of the colour bar. This can be added to an existing plot with subplot.


Edward Lavender


#### Define some data set.seed(1) x <- c(-20, 9, 10:987, 1200) y1 <- runif(length(x), 0, 100) y2 <- x*3-1000 #### Plot graph and add colour line, saving output of add_lines to a list: plot(x, y1)
colour_line_ls <- add_lines(x, y1, y2)
#### Example (1): add_colour_bar uses outputs of add_lines and returns a plot add_colour_bar(data_legend = colour_line_ls$data_legend, pretty_axis_args = colour_line_ls$axis_legend )
#### Example (2): add_colour_bar can be used in combination with TeachingDemos::subplot() pp <- par(oma = c(2, 2, 2, 6)) plot(x, y1, type = "n"); add_lines(x, y1, y2)
TeachingDemos::subplot(add_colour_bar(data_legend = colour_line_ls$data_legend, pretty_axis_args = colour_line_ls$axis_legend ), x = 1275, y = 0, size = c(0.25, 2.75), vadj = 0, hadj = 0 )
par(pp) #### Example (3): the mtext_args argument can be used to add a label pp <- par(oma = c(2, 2, 2, 6)) plot(x, y1, type = "n"); add_lines(x, y1, y2)
TeachingDemos::subplot(add_colour_bar(data_legend = colour_line_ls$data_legend, pretty_axis_args = colour_line_ls$axis_legend, mtext_args = list(side = 4, text = "Legend", cex = 1.5, font = 2, line = 3), ), x = 1275, y = 0, size = c(0.25, 2.75), vadj = 0, hadj = 0 )
par(pp) #### Example (4): data_raw and mark_args can be used to delineate the range of data pp <- par(oma = c(2, 2, 2, 6)) plot(x, y1, type = "n"); add_lines(x, y1, y2)
TeachingDemos::subplot(add_colour_bar(data_legend = colour_line_ls$data_legend, pretty_axis_args = colour_line_ls$axis_legend, data_raw = y2, mark_args = list(col = "dimgrey", lwd = 2) ), x = 1275, y = 0, size = c(0.25, 2.75), vadj = 0, hadj = 0 )
par(pp) #### Example (5): the lower and upper data delimiters can be controlled independently # ... using a nested list: pp <- par(oma = c(2, 2, 2, 6)) plot(x, y1, type = "n"); add_lines(x, y1, y2)
TeachingDemos::subplot(add_colour_bar(data_legend = colour_line_ls$data_legend, pretty_axis_args = colour_line_ls$axis_legend, data_raw = y2, mark_args = list(list(col = "dimgrey"), list(col = "green")) ), x = 1275, y = 0, size = c(0.25, 2.75), vadj = 0, hadj = 0 )
par(pp) #### Example (6): the axis harnesses the power of pretty_axis() and can be adjusted # For example, in Example 5, it is clear that the colour bar extends # ... beyond the range of the data. This is the default behaviour for pretty_axis() # .... but we can force pretty labels to lie within the range of the data by adjusting # ... the initial call to add_lines() to incorporate fixed limits # ... in the pretty_axis_args argument: par(oma = c(2, 2, 2, 6)) plot(x, y1)
colour_line_ls <- add_lines(x, y1, y2, pretty_axis_args = list(lim = list(range(y2)), pretty = list(n = 5)) )
TeachingDemos::subplot(add_colour_bar(data_legend = colour_line_ls$data_legend, pretty_axis_args = colour_line_ls$axis_legend ), x = 1275, y = 0, size = c(0.25, 2.75), vadj = 0, hadj = 0 )
par(pp) #### Example (7): another option is to increase the number of pretty breaks # ... so the pretty axis and limits of the data line up well: par(oma = c(2, 2, 2, 6)) plot(x, y1)
colour_line_ls <- add_lines(x, y1, y2, pretty_axis_args = list(pretty = list(n = 20)))
TeachingDemos::subplot(add_colour_bar(data_legend = colour_line_ls$data_legend, pretty_axis_args = colour_line_ls$axis_legend ), x = 1275, y = 0, size = c(0.25, 2.75), vadj = 0, hadj = 0 )
par(pp) #### Example (8): other axis customisation options are best handled via pretty_axis_args, e.g.: par(oma = c(2, 2, 2, 6)) plot(x, y1)
colour_line_ls <- add_lines(x, y1, y2, pretty_axis_args = list(pretty = list(n = 20), axis = list(las = 2)))
TeachingDemos::subplot(add_colour_bar(data_legend = colour_line_ls$data_legend, pretty_axis_args = colour_line_ls$axis_legend ), x = 1275, y = 0, size = c(0.25, 2.75), vadj = 0, hadj = 0 )