These functions are designed to facilitate the addition of spatial layers to a background map.

add_sp_points(x, y = NULL, ext = NULL, crop_spatial = FALSE, ...)

add_sp_line(x, y = NULL, ext = NULL, crop_spatial = FALSE, ...)

add_sp_path(x, y = NULL, ext = NULL, crop_spatial = FALSE, ...)

add_sp_poly(x, ext = NULL, crop_spatial = FALSE, ...)

  ext = NULL,
  crop_spatial = FALSE,
  plot_method = fields::image.plot,
  pretty_axis_args = NULL,



A Raster* or Spatial* object, a two-column matrix of x and y coordinates or a numeric vector of x coordinates. Coordinate specifications are only supported for points, lines and paths; otherwise a Raster* or Spatial* object should be supplied. A numeric vector for x is assumed if y is provided (see below).


(optional) A numeric vector of y coordinates. This is only required if x is a numeric vector of x coordinates.


(optional) An extent object that defines the extent of an area. If crop_spatial = TRUE, then the object is cropped to lie within this area via crop (see below).


(optional) A logical variable that defines whether or not to crop the spatial layer to lie within the domain defined by ext. This is only implemented if ext is provided.


Additional arguments passed to the plotting functions, which are plot_method (usually image.plot) for rasters, arrows for paths, points for points and plot for all other objects.


A function that adds the layer to the plot. This is only implemented for add_sp_raster and the default is image.plot.


(optional) A named list, passed to pretty_axis, to control the tick mark positions and labels on the colour bar. This is only implemented add_sp_raster. For the default plotting method (image.plot), these can be controlled using the axis.args argument via ..., but pretty_axis_args can help to make prettier labels (e.g., with scientific notation). If supplied, plot_method must accept an axis.args like image.plot. pretty_axis is used to define a pretty sequence of tick mark positions and labels, and these passed to plot_method via axis.args as the at and labels elements.


The function adds a spatial layers to an existing plot.


These functions are designed to work with pretty_map, which produces a background plot and then adds layers to this plot. However, they can also be called directly after the definition of a background plot.


Edward Lavender


#### Example (1) Adding single layers ## Examples with raster # Define a background map and add a raster layer pretty_map(dat_gebco)
#> 'x' is the only spatial information provided: plotting the background only.
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.
# Customise the map add_sp_raster(dat_gebco, col = viridis::viridis(100))
## Examples with polygon layers # Define a background map and add a polygon layer pretty_map(dat_coast_around_oban)
#> 'x' is the only spatial information provided: plotting the background only.
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0'.
# Customise the map add_sp_poly(dat_coast_around_oban, col = "darkgreen")
## Examples with points, lines and paths ## Define coordinates/line xy <- cbind(c( -5.532913, -5.519556, -5.500856, -5.472138), c(56.42964, 56.44220, 56.45328, 56.45846)) xy_line <- Orcs::coords2Lines(xy, ID = 1) ## Add points # via coordinates pretty_map(dat_gebco)
#> 'x' is the only spatial information provided: plotting the background only.
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.
add_sp_points(x = xy[1, ], y = xy[2, ])
# via matrix pretty_map(dat_gebco)
#> 'x' is the only spatial information provided: plotting the background only.
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.
add_sp_points(x = xy)
# via SpatialPoints pretty_map(dat_gebco)
#> 'x' is the only spatial information provided: plotting the background only.
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.
add_sp_points(x = sp::SpatialPoints(xy))
# Add lines (best via SpatialLines object) pretty_map(dat_gebco)
#> 'x' is the only spatial information provided: plotting the background only.
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.
add_sp_line(x = xy_line)
# Add path via coordinates, SpatialPoints or SpatialLines pretty_map(dat_gebco)
#> 'x' is the only spatial information provided: plotting the background only.
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.
add_sp_path(x = xy[, 1], y = xy[, 2], length = 0.05)
#> 'x' is the only spatial information provided: plotting the background only.
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.
add_sp_path(x = sp::SpatialPoints(xy), length = 0.05)
#> 'x' is the only spatial information provided: plotting the background only.
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.
add_sp_path(x = xy_line, length = 0.05)
#### Example (2) Layers can be stacked pretty_map(dat_gebco)
#> 'x' is the only spatial information provided: plotting the background only.
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.
#### Example (3) These functions are implemented pretty_map() ## Map of raster pretty_map(add_rasters = list(x = dat_gebco))
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.
## Map with a raster and multiple polygons, supplied as nested list # Generate a random prism to include as a polygon sim_prism <- sp::spsample(dat_coast_around_oban, n = 3, type = "random")
#> Warning: Discarded datum WGS_1984 in CRS definition, #> but +towgs84= values preserved
#> Warning: Discarded datum WGS_1984 in CRS definition, #> but +towgs84= values preserved
#> Warning: Discarded datum WGS_1984 in CRS definition, #> but +towgs84= values preserved
#> Warning: CRS object has comment, which is lost in output
sim_prism <- sp::Polygon(sim_prism)
#> Warning: less than 4 coordinates in polygon
sim_prism <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(sim_prism), ID = 1))) # Make map pretty_map(add_rasters = list(x = dat_gebco), add_polys = list(list(x = dat_coast_around_oban, col = "darkgreen"), list(x = sim_prism, col = "blue")))
#> prettyGraphics::pretty_map() CRS taken as: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'.