This is function plots pretty two-dimensional smooths as a contour plot.

  view = NULL,
  pretty_axis_args = list(side = 1:4, axis = list(list(), list(), list(labels = FALSE),
    list(labels = FALSE))),
  add_xy = NULL,
  add_rug_x = NULL,
  add_rug_y = NULL,
  return_list = NULL,



An mgcv model (see vis.gam).


A character vector of two variables (see vis.gam).

xlim, ylim, pretty_axis_args

Axis control arguments. xlim and ylim control x and y axis limits via pretty_axis. If not supplied, xlim and ylim are defined as the range across each corresponding variable. To use default 'pretty' limits instead, specify xlim = NULL and ylim = NULL. Additional axis customisation is implemented by passing a named list of arguments to pretty_axis via pretty_axis_args.


A named list of arguments, passed to points, to add observations to the plot. add_xy = NULL suppresses this option, add_xy = list() implements default arguments and a named list customises these.

add_rug_x, add_rug_y

Named list of arguments, passed to rug, to add observed values of the variables defined in view to the plot. add_rug_* = NULL suppresses this option, add_rug_* implements default arguments and a named list customises these.


(depreciated) A logical input which defines whether or not to return the list produced by pretty_axis.


Additional arguments passed to vis.gam, excluding "plot.type" (since only contour plots are supported by this function) and "axes".


The function returns a contour plot of the predictions of a generalised addition model for the two variables defined in view and, invisibly, the list of pretty axis parameters produced by pretty_axis.


At present, the function is simply a wrapper for vis.gam with the additional flexibility provided by the pretty_axis function and the add_xy, add_rug_x and add_rug_y arguments.


Edward Lavender


#### Simulate example data and fit model (following ?mgcv::vis.gam examples) set.seed(0) n <- 200 sig2 <- 4 x0 <- runif(n, 0, 1) x1 <- runif(n, 0, 1) x2 <- runif(n, 0, 1) y <- x0^2 + x1 * x2 + runif(n, -0.3, 0.3) g <- mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x0, x1, x2)) #### Example (1): Contour plot using default options pretty_smooth_2d(g, view = c("x1", "x2"))
#### Example (2): Customise axes via xlim, ylim and pretty_axis_args # Use xlim and ylim pretty_smooth_2d(g, view = c("x1", "x2"), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
# Use pretty_axis_args pretty_smooth_2d(g, view = c("x1", "x2"), pretty_axis_args = list(side = 1:4))
#### Example (3): Add observed data # Specify list() to use default options pretty_smooth_2d(g, view = c("x1", "x2"), add_xy = list())
# Customise addition of observed data pretty_smooth_2d(g, view = c("x1", "x2"), add_xy = list(pch = ".'", cex = 5))
#### Example (4): Add rugs for the x and y variables # Use default options pretty_smooth_2d(g, view = c("x1", "x2"), add_rug_x = list(), add_rug_y = list())
# Customise options pretty_smooth_2d(g, view = c("x1", "x2"), add_rug_x = list(col = "grey"), add_rug_y = list(col = "grey"))
#### Example (5): Pass additional options to mgcv::vis.gam() via ... pretty_smooth_2d(g, view = c("x1", "x2"), main = "", xlab = "x1[...]", ylab = "x2[...]", color = "gray", contour.col = "red")
#### Example (5): Integrate with add_colour_bar() # Define plotting window with space for legend pp <- graphics::par(oma = c(2, 2, 2, 10)) # Define z-limits for plot and legend and associated colours zlim <- c(0, 1.5) n_col <- 100 col_param <- pretty_cols_brewer(zlim = zlim, pal = grDevices::heat.colors, n_breaks = n_col + 1) # Make plot with colour scheme pretty_smooth_2d(g, view = c("x1", "x2"), zlim = col_param$zlim, col = "heat", nCol = n_col, nlevels = n_col)
#> Warning: "nlevels" is not a graphical parameter
#> Warning: "nlevels" is not a graphical parameter
#> Warning: "nlevels" is not a graphical parameter
# Define legend param required for add_colour_bar() legend_at <- data.frame(x = col_param$breaks[1:(length(col_param$breaks) - 1)], col = col_param$col) legend_axis <- pretty_axis(side = 4, x = list(legend_at$x)) # Add legend as subplot TeachingDemos::subplot(add_colour_bar(legend_at, pretty_axis_args = legend_axis), x = 1, y = 0.05, vadj = 0, hadj = 0, size = c(0.2, 2))