Simulate initial states for animal movement walks.


map_init(.map, .timeline, .direction, .dataset, .model, .pars)

# S3 method for default
map_init(.map, .timeline, .direction, .dataset, .model, .pars)

# S3 method for ModelObsAcousticLogisTrunc
map_init(.map, .timeline, .direction, .dataset, .model, .pars)

# S3 method for ModelObsDepthUniform
map_init(.map, .timeline, .direction, .dataset, .model, .pars)

# S3 method for ModelObsDepthNormalTrunc
map_init(.map, .timeline, .direction, .dataset, .model, .pars)

map_init_iter(.map, .timeline, .direction, .datasets, .models, .pars)

coords_init(.map, .n)

states_init(.state, .coords)

# S3 method for default
states_init(.state, .coords)

# S3 method for StateXY
states_init(.state, .coords)

# S3 method for StateXYZD
states_init(.state, .coords)



A SpatRaster that defines the study area for the simulation (see glossary). Here, .map is used to:

  • Sample initial coordinates, via coords_init(), if .xinit = NULL;

.timeline, .direction, .datasets, .models, .pars

(optional) Additional arguments used to restrict .map, via map_init(), before sampling initial states.

  • .timeline---A sorted, POSIXct vector of regularly spaced time stamps that defines the timeline for the simulation;

  • .direction---A character string that defines the direction of the simulation ("forward" or "backward");

  • .datasets---A list of observation datasets;

  • .models---A character vector of ModelObs sub-types;

  • .pars---A named list of additional arguments, passed to map_init();


A character that defines the State sub-type. Here, .state is used to:

  • Convert sampled coordinates to initial states, via states_init(), if .xinit = NULL;


(optional) A data.table of initial states, with one column for each state dimension.


An integer that defines the number of simulated states:

  • If .xinit = NULL, .n specifies the number of simulated states via coords_init();

  • If .xinit is supplied but there are not .n initial states, .n initial states are re-sampled from .xinit with replacement;


These internal functions support the simulation of initial states for the simulation of animal movement walks in sim_path_walk() and pf_filter().

If .xinit = NULL, initial coordinates are sampled from .map.

The region(s) within .map from which initial coordinates are sampled can be optionally restricted by the provision of the observation datasets and the associated model sub-types (via map_init_iter()). This option does not apply to sim_path_walk() but is used in pf_filter() where observation models (here, .models) are supplied. In this instance, map_init_iter() iterates over each model and uses the map_init() generic to update .map. The following methods are implemented:

  • map_init.default(). The default methods returns .map unchanged.

  • map_init.ModelObsAcousticLogisTrunc(). This method uses acoustic observations to restrict .map via Lavender et al.'s (2023) acoustic--container algorithm. The function identifies the receiver(s) that recorded detection(s) immediately before, at and following the first time step (.timeline[start], where start is 1 if .direction = "forward and length(.timeline) otherwise). The 'container' within which the individual must be located from the perspective of each receiver is defined by the time difference and the individual's mobility (that is, the maximum moveable distance the individual could move between two time steps), which must be specified in pars$mobility. The intersection between all containers defines the possible locations of the individual at the first time step.

  • map_init.ModelObsDepthUniform(). This method uses the depth observations to restrict .map (which should represent the bathymetry in a region). The individual must be within a region in which the observed depth at .timeline[start] is within a depth envelope around the bathymetric depth defined by the parameters depth_shallow_eps and depth_deep_eps (see ModelObs). (If there is no observation at .timeline[start], .map is returned unchanged.)

  • map_init.ModelObsDepthNormalTrunc(). This method also uses depth observations to restrict .map. The individual must be in a location where the bathymetric depth plus the depth_deep_eps parameter at .timeline[start] is greater than or equal to the observed depth at .timeline[start] (see ModelObs). (If there is no observation at .timeline[start], .map is returned unchanged.)

To handle custom ModelObs sub-types, process .map beforehand or write an appropriate map_init() method.

Using .map, a data.table of .n initial coordinates (map_value, x, y) is sampled using coords_init(). Additional state dimensions are added, as required depending on the .state, via the S3 generic states_init(). For custom State sub-types, a corresponding states_init() method is required (or supply .xinit yourself).

If .xinit() is provided and .n initial states are provided, .xinit is returned unchanged. Otherwise, .n initial states are resampled from .xinit, with replacement, and returned.

See also

These functions are used to initialise simulated movement trajectories in sim_path_walk() and pf_filter().


Edward Lavender